Company Details
Name of Company:

Company Tag Line or slogan:

What is the nature of your business?: Briefly describe your products or services:

Who is your target market? Who are you hoping to reach with your site?
Website Details

Do you have an existing website? If so, what is the URL?
Please list at least 3 URLs (web addresses) of high quality sites that you like the look of (these do not have to be sites whose business is similar to yours. It aids us in determining what your design style is.) Consider layout, colors, navigation, graphics, font/print

What colors or color schemes would you like?

List the Navigation links for your Site

What type of look are you trying to achieve? (e.g. high-tech, conservative, warm, flashy, etc.)

Please provide the addresses of competitors' sites, if possible:

Will you be sending us images to use on your site or would you like us to use our own images? Please state the type of pictures you would like us to use.
Yes    No
Type of pictures:



Are there any other comments/specific ideas we should keep in mind while designing your project?


Personal Details
