Home Theater - Surround Sound
  KPS PowerHome Theater

Choose between our 5.1 or 7.1  Surround Sound System the will blow your socks off.  With KPS you can choose the speaker package that just right for you.  So weather it's your first home theater system in your family room or it's a dedicated (11.2 Custom Only) home theater room for your custom home you can count on KPS to set up and calibrate a system that is just right for you. 


  When should I wire my home for Home Theater?

A lot of customer tell us I wish I would have wired for home theater during construction…  Don't wait because you think you can do it later.  How many things are on your to do list that have been on there for months or even years.  The best time to wire for your home theater system is while your home is being built. Doing it later will be more costly, not to mention the drywall damage and dust from the repair.  Our home theater options are designed to fit any budget.  Plus it increases your resale value because everyone wants it!



Enjoy your free time - Life is busy—work, family obligations, errands, chores.  When it’s finally time for leisure, why not get the most from your favorite TV show, sports event or movie? A KPS PowerHome Home Theater is affordable relaxation therapy!


Put yourself in the action - Surround yourself with riveting movie sound and superb musical performances. Hearing full-spectrum sound from the front, sides and rear puts you in the center of the action and adds drama andexcitement to your entertainment.


Get better results, plus no clutter -

Sure you can buy a home theater system off the shelf. But you’ll also have to deal with situating bulky components and hiding wires and cables. In-ceiling solutions give you amazing clarity and acoustic quality without the clutter. And a convenient built-in “connection center” makes it simple to hook everything up. Enhance that big screen You bought the “perfect” TV for a reason. It deserves the perfect sound to cap it off and give you the full entertainment experience you had in mind. Cable, satellite, DVD, Sony - Blue-ray, videos, the Internet—they’re all enhanced with the right home theater system.


Entertain in style -

Face it—people want to get together in the most comfortable surroundings with the best amenities. A KPS PowerHome Theater system makes your home the logical choice for your family and friends to enjoy being together.


*Buying through a home builder?

We make it simple for you.  Choose between our "Select" (Symphony Speakers), "Premier" (OnQ Legrand Speakers) and "Executive" (JBL Speakers) 5.1 and 7.1 PowerHome Surround Sound Speaker Packages.  Each package comes with a convenient connection plate so hooking up your Home Theater Receiver is simple. Click here to get your Home Theater Started!





Premier Surround Sound In-Ceiling Speakers and Subwoofer: